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Spiritual Confusion



  • Alcohol-induced anxiety disorder

  • Amphetamine-induced anxiety disorder

  • Anxiety disorder

  • Atypical depressive disorder

  • Bipolar II disorder, most recent episode major depressive

  • Caffeine-induced anxiety disorder

  • Cannabis-induced anxiety disorder

  • Chronic bipolar II disorder, most recent episode major depressive

  • Cocaine-induced anxiety disorder

  • Depressive disorder

  • Dream anxiety disorder

  • Generalised anxiety disorder

  • Generalized anxiety disorder in remission

  • Hallucinogen-induced anxiety disorder

  • Inhalant-induced anxiety disorder

  • Mild bipolar II disorder, most recent episode major depressive

  • Mixed anxiety and depressive disorder

  • Moderate bipolar II disorder, most recent episode major depressive

  • Phencyclidine-induced anxiety disorder

  • Sedative, hypnotic AND/OR anxiolytic-induced anxiety disorder

  • Severe bipolar II disorder, most recent episode major depressive with psychotic features

  • Severe bipolar II disorder, most recent episode major depressive without psychotic features

  • Severe bipolar II disorder, most recent episode major depressive, in partial remission

  • Severe bipolar II disorder, most recent episode major depressive, in remission

  • Single major depressive episode, severe, with psychosis




  • Clarify spiritual concepts and instill a freedom to approach a higher power as a resource for support.

  • Increase belief in and development of a relationship with a higher power.

  • Begin a faith in a higher power and incorporate it into support system.

  • Resolve issues that have prevented faith or belief from developing and growing.


Behavioral Definitions


  • Verbalization of a desire for a closer relationship to a higher power.

  • Feelings and attitudes about a higher power that are characterized by fear, anger, and distrust.

  • Verbalization of a feeling of emptiness in his/her life, as if something were missing.

  • A negative, bleak outlook on life and regarding others.

  • A felt need for a higher power, but because upbringing contained no religious education or training, does not know where or how to begin.

  • An inability to connect with a higher power, due to anger, hurt, and rejection from religious upbringing.

  • A struggle with understanding and accepting Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) Steps Two and Three (i.e., difficulty in believing in a higher power).




  • Dysthymic Disorder

  • Depressive Disorder NOS

  • Anxiety Disorder NOS

  • Major Depressive Disorder

What is Spiritual Confusion?

Spiritual confusion is a state of uncertainty or questioning regarding your beliefs, values, and connection to a higher power or purpose in life. It's a normal human experience, particularly at times of transition or during periods of self-discovery. Here's a deeper dive into what spiritual confusion might entail:

Signs of Spiritual Confusion:

  • Doubting Existing Beliefs: You may question the religious teachings or spiritual practices you were raised with. They may no longer resonate with you, and you might feel a need to explore different philosophies.

  • Feeling Disconnected: A sense of disconnect from a higher power, community, or your inner self can be a sign of spiritual confusion. You might feel lost or without a sense of purpose.

  • Yearning for Something More: A feeling of emptiness or a desire for a deeper spiritual connection can prompt a period of questioning and exploration.

  • Life Transitions: Major life events like illness, loss, or career changes can trigger spiritual confusion as you re-evaluate your priorities and life path.

  • Exposure to Different Beliefs: Encountering diverse spiritual practices or philosophies can challenge your existing beliefs and lead to confusion.

Causes of Spiritual Confusion:

  • Internal Conflicts: Inner conflicts about values, beliefs, and purpose can contribute to spiritual confusion. You might be struggling to reconcile your personal values with your religious teachings, for instance.

  • Life Experiences: Difficult experiences like loss, trauma, or illness can shake your faith or challenge your understanding of the world.

  • Existential Questions: Contemplating big questions about life, death, and our place in the universe can lead to spiritual confusion.

  • Religious Upbringing: A rigid or negative religious upbringing can lead to later rebellion or questioning of those beliefs.

Effects of Spiritual Confusion

Anxiety and Uncertainty: The questioning and lack of clear answers can cause anxiety and feelings of uncertainty.

Loss of Meaning and Purpose: Struggling to find meaning and purpose in life can be a consequence of spiritual confusion.

Isolation and Loneliness: Feeling like you don't fit in with any particular belief system can lead to isolation and loneliness.

Identity Crisis: If spirituality was a central part of your identity, questioning your beliefs can lead to an identity crisis.

How does Spiritual Confusion affect your life?

Here are some ways in which spiritual confusion may impact someone's life:


Identity and Beliefs: Individuals may grapple with existential questions about the nature of existence, the meaning of life, and their place in the universe. 


Emotional Distress: Individuals may experience a sense of emptiness or loss as they question their spiritual beliefs or experiences.


Interpersonal Relationships: Conflicting beliefs or experiences may lead to tensions, disagreements, or misunderstandings in interpersonal interactions.


Sense of Purpose and Meaning: Without a clear understanding of their spiritual beliefs or values, individuals may struggle to find direction or motivation in pursuing their goals and aspirations.


Decision-Making: Conflicting spiritual beliefs or values may create internal conflicts that influence choices related to relationships, career paths, or personal goals.


Seeking Resolution: This journey of self-discovery and spiritual exploration can be challenging but may ultimately lead to greater clarity and understanding.


Integration and Growth: Individuals may emerge from this process with a deeper understanding of themselves, their beliefs, and their relationship to the world around them. 


Overall, spiritual confusion can have profound effects on individuals' lives, impacting their beliefs, emotions, relationships, and sense of purpose. It's essential for individuals experiencing spiritual confusion to seek support, validation, and guidance as they navigate this challenging aspect of their inner journey.

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