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The Other PTSD and a Time for Healing #SoteldoPsychotherapy #Counseling

M. Raquel S. Soteldo

A Time For Healing From PTSD

For starters, PTSD (Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder) refers to mental health problems

triggered by a traumatic event, causing severe anxiety, nightmares, and flashbacks.


When you undergo a severe life experience such as the death of a spouse/child,

substantial disability, serious illness, loss of a home/job, etc., you’ll get traumatized

beyond what you can bear psychologically. The same may happen when you lose a close

friend or when you survive a terror attack. 

Most of what is mentioned above precisely fits what has been going on in 2020, thanks

to the coronavirus pandemic. Most people have lost their jobs, homes, loved ones, and

close friends. In extreme conditions, this has led to PTSD in those who have been


As you might have known, PTSD can affect the spiritual, physical, relational, emotional,

and social interactions of the victims. For PTSD to occur, the victim must have faced a

traumatic situation that involves aspects like fear of death, hearing about death, or

witnessing death.

Finding a solution to PTSD relies on understanding its cause. It also helps to know how

trauma works in individuals, causing emotional dysregulation, fluctuating emotional

states, intrusive memories, and scary flashbacks.

Coronavirus pandemic

Back to COVID-19. There’s no doubt that this pandemic has presented societal division,

fear, economic difficulties, loss of livelihood, lingering symptoms, illnesses,and death.

The pandemic is still with us, and no one in the world can claim that he/she has not been

affected in one way or the other. Even if you have not contracted the virus, there’s that

lingering fear that you (or your loved ones) might catch it. The fear is accompanied by

fears of “what if it happens.”

Americans have suffered a great deal since the outbreak of coronavirus. The country is

divided, with people now going against each other to survive. There are losses,

confusion, and despair that one person can’t handle.

Widespread losses

The losses caused by COVID-19 aren’t only at the personal level. These are collective

losses that apply to families, communities, countries, and the world at large. People in

leadership positions are feeling the heat.

We all remember that Germany’s finance minister Thomas Schaefer committed suicide

in March 2020, apparently because he got deeply worried about how he would cope

following the economic meltdown caused by COVID-19.  Many similar deaths from all

over the world go unreported.

Certainly, coronavirus has caused serious challenges as far as mental health is

concerned, and in extreme cases, it has caused PTSD. 

Is there a remedy?

Coronavirus made people move from the known (families, jobs, lives, etc. As they were

before coronavirus) to the unknown, something many now refer to as the “new

normal”. This new normal has lots of uncertainties, and many people try to rebuild their

lives. Some who cannot cope have resorted to substance abuse, while others suffer

serious depression in silence.

This is the time people should reach each other and provide social and psychological

support. Each individual should do as much or as little as he/she can to make the next

person feel comfortable. This is the time social welfare groups should be more active

than ever. People should come together and share their experiences rather than staying

in isolation.

Raquel Soteldo RP(Q), MA, ABA, PMP, CCC

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